Ananda Soma Online Transfer

Discover silence of the mind, peace and connectedness through weekly online meditations

Ananda Soma Transfer from Sri Kalki Amma Bhagavan Great Compassionate Light

Members of the Australian and New Zealand community have been initiated and empowered to serve Sri Amma Bhagavan in transferring the Ananda JOY to others.

Ananda is one of the very high states of consciousness of Golden Age Movement founders, Sri Amma Bhagavan, which can include enlightened consciousness and cosmic consciousness.

NOW, the Great Compassionate Light is sharing higher states of

Causeless Joy, Causeless Love and Oneness States in the Ananda Transfer.

Tune in throughout the week to receive this powerful transfer.

The more you receive the Ananda Soma the more it will impact your consciousness.

Participants report experiencing states of deep peace, stillness, joy, bliss, deep calm, clarity, and sometimes laughter and causeless joy. Others report the answering of long-held prayers and miracles in their health, relationships, and financial windfalls.

Weekly Calendar

Weekly Prayers by Ananda Sevaks to help you have a break-through!

If you are looking for a break-through email us at to do a prayer for you on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 9.30am to 10am AEST.

Ananda Sevaks initiated in the Annual 81k Deeksha Yagna Program can join to help people receive miracles and break-throughs for illness, psychological suffering and existential suffering.

We need a photo of the person with a solution-focused outcome that you want for your break-through.

We pray for 3 people each week and they have reported easy resolution to their problems and increased joy and support and even complete healing from illness.