Social Media posts

You can find daily posts in our social Media to assist you in your inner growth ,to experience calm presence, to experience teachings and breakthroughs to success in your everyday life .

Alaya Darshan daily except Sundays

6 am, 12 pm, 6 pm daily, 6 am is live one india times

10.30 am , 4.30 pm, 10.30 pm AEST

available via youtube for all

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Ytube Sri Amma Bhagavan -Kalki

All teachings direct from Sri Amma Bhagavan to assist us in our everyday life.

Ytube Golden Age Movement USA & Canada

Sharing Teachings ,events,programs and testimonies for enlightenment ,living in higher states ,causeless love and joy freedom from suffering .

What’s App Sydney Soma Group

We have a what’s app Sydney Soma Group for Local Soma Events .Press the green button above it will take you to the group

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